Beiley Software
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Digitally Signed Software

All Beiley Software products are digitally signed, so that you know the product is from us, is virus-free, and hasn't been modified from its original form.  To verify that your downloaded software has been digitally signed by us, follow these instructions.

Verify Software Digital Signature using Internet Explorer:

When you download software using Internet Explorer you will see one of the two following dialogs when you try to run the downloaded program:

IE signed software
The Software Has Been Digitally Signed


IE unsigned software
The Software Has Not Been Digitally Signed

If you see a message similar to the top picture, you know your download has been digitally signed by us, and is safe to run.

Verify Software Digital Signature using Firefox:

If you are using the Firefox web browser, the dialog displaying the digital signature status looks similar, as shown below:

Firefox digital signature
The Software Has Been Digitally Signed

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