Advanced Server Settings Dialog


This dialog is available by selecting File/Options.../Sharing/Advanced....


Live Update

Enable "Live Update" to keep your shared address book automatically updated as other users make changes.  When using an address book hosted by A Handy Address Book Server whenever anyone else makes changes your Handy client automatically gets updated with those same changes.  With this option on your are always viewing the latest data in the shared address book.

Send Updates To

When using "Live Update" the Handy Address Book Server will send your Handy client notifications whenever any changes have been made to the shared address book you're currently using.  Normally the server will send these notifications back to you at the same address and port that Handy connected to the server from.  In some cases you may wish to have these notifications sent to a different address/port.  This can be useful if your Handy client is behind a router, and the server is located outside this router.  You can use the "Port Forwarding" feature of your router to help get the notifications back to your Handy client.

See Also

Sharing Options

A Handy Address Book Server


Handy Address Book Home