Alphabet Bar


The Alphabet Bar allows you to quickly filter by name which addresses are shown in the address list.


Filtering is performed based on the "Name" field by default.  Filtering can also be applied to the "Company" field by adjusting the option under the Other Options Dialog.


Selecting the All button shows all addresses.  To show only names beginning with a certain letter, select that letter on the Alphabet Bar.  The # button is used to show addresses that do not begin with a letter (like a number, or any other character).


You can select multiple buttons on the Alphabet Bar at the same time.  Hold down the Ctrl key to select multiple buttons.  To select a range of buttons, use the Shift key.   Adjust the size of the buttons under the Other Options Dialog.


You can customize the Address List to display the "Name" field as either: Last, First or First Last.  (If you turn on more than one of the "Name" fields, the left-most "Name" column will be used for filtering.)

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