Keyboard Shortcuts


There are several ways to control Remind-Me.  The menu along the top of the window, the toolbar, the mouse, and the keyboard.  Many menu commands are also accessible by using keyboard accelerators.  Accelerators are shown next to each menu item that has an accelerator available.


In addition to the menu keyboard accelerators, the following keyboard shortcuts are available:


¬, ­, ®, or ¯

Moves the currently selected day around on the calendars in the specified direction

Shift + (¬, ­, ®, or ¯)

Scrolls the calendars by one month in the specified direction

Ctrl + (¬, ­, ®, or ¯)

Scrolls the calendars by one year in the specified direction

Page Down

Scrolls the calendar forward.  If the month calendar is being displayed, the next month will be shown.  If the year calendar is being displayed, the next year will be shown.  In the Day/Week calendars the active scroll bar will be scrolled down one page.

Page Up

Scrolls the calendar backwards. If the month calendar is being displayed, the previous month will be shown. If the year calendar is being displayed, the previous year will be shown.  In the Day/Week calendars the active scroll bar will be scrolled up one page.

1 - 31

Moves the currently selected day to the day of the month specified.  (For example: If you wish to move the selected day to the 27th of the current month, type the number '2' and then the number '7'.)


Un-expands the currently selected day in the Month and Year calendar views.  (Shrinks the currently selected day back to normal size if it has been enlarged to show the complete day's contents.)


Scrolls the Month/Year calendars to January 1st.  In the Day/Week calendars, scrolls the active scroll bar to the top.


Scrolls the Month/Year calendars to December 31st.  In the Day/Week calendars, scrolls the active scroll bar to the bottom.


Scrolls the calendar to Today


Displays the List view of events


Displays the Day calendar


Displays the Week calendar


Displays the Month calendar


Displays the Year calendar


Quits Remind-Me, same as "File / Exit"


Resets acknowledgments for all events


Moves the keyboard focus between the List and any Calendar views

See Also

Mouse Shortcuts

Menu Commands

Remind-Me Home