Mouse Shortcuts


The following mouse shortcuts are available from within the calendar views:


Mouse Wheel:

Month and Year Calendars:  If your mouse has a mouse wheel you can use this to move the selected day up or down on the calendar.  This behaves the same as the up and down arrow keys.

Day and Week Calendars:  Scrolls either the timed or un-timed scroll bars


Event Drag and Drop:

Certain events can be copied or moved on the calendar using the mouse.  Select the day where the event you want to move or copy is located.  Left mouse click on that event, and hold down the mouse button while dragging the event to the desired destination date.  To copy the event, hold down the Ctrl key while dragging.  If the Ctrl key is not held down, the event is moved.  While dragging, the cursor will display a small image of a dragging event.  If you are copying, you will see a little plus sign on the cursor image.  When your cursor is over the desired destination date/time, release the mouse button.  Birthday, anniversary, one time, and yearly repeating events can all be moved or copied using this technique.  Events with more complicated repeating patterns must be moved by editing the event details in the Event Information dialog.


Event Editing:

Left mouse click on any event in the calendar to bring up that event in the Event Information dialog.  Timed events in the Day or Week calendars can be adjusted in time by clicking and dragging either the starting or ending edge.  To edit a timed event in the Day/Week calendars, double click on it.


Event Action:

Right mouse click on any event within the selected day to bring up a popup menu with various options that apply to that specific event.


Popup Calendar:

In the Day and Week calendars, left mouse click on the calendar header to bring up a small calendar to select the desired date to display.


Day Zoom:

In the Week calendar, left mouse click on the day of week header to switch to the Day calendar for that date.



See Also

Keyboard Shortcuts

Menu Commands

Remind-Me Home